Rose began her career at CHAI in 2024 and has worked with animals for many years in the shelter medicine field. She is originally from Baton Rouge Louisiana but has been here in Chattanooga for more than 15 years. Her passion is working with pets who require a little extra time, attention and TLC to help them allow veterinary medical care.
She and her partner, JP, have been together for many years and are new home owners enjoying home renovations together. They have a total of 12 cats (Jinx, Markie, Snow, Precious, Pauline, Baloo, Gary Jr, Jasper, Nibbler, Derp, Oliver and Blue) and 2 dogs (Luna and Otis). Rose enjoys fostering pets who require medical care and her other hobbies include Anime, food, travel. nature, sewing, movies and television.
Secret Aspiration