(Licensed Veterinary Medical Technician)

Ashley has lived in Chattanooga all of her life and began her career of working with animals by working with children in equine therapy from 2011 until 2015. She graduated from Chattanooga State in 2019 as a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technician and has recently graduated from CHI Institute where she was able further her knowledge of Chinese veterinary medicine. She has become Dr. Smith’s right hand when working with alternative cases and has an unmatched ability to help clients understand their pet’s disease process and the treatment path prescribed by the doctor. Ashley is an avid plants-woman and skilled napper. She has a particular love for working with felines and has 4 that live with her, Malice, Pip, Tober, and Minnow. She also has a pointer dog named Beau and shares her human time with her husband Michael and two sons, Viktor and Wren.
Secret Aspiration: Ashley aspires to become a water bender and gain level 100 Pokémon Mastership.