Meg is a graduate of Georgia State University with a B.A. in French and a concentration in French Literature. Shortly after graduation, Meg relocated to Chattanooga where she decided to turn her passion for animals into a career. She started off working a local doggie daycare and made her way to a local veterinarian’s office. Meg is now the Lead Client Liaison at CHAI and considers herself to be the “Fairy Dogmother” of the office, giving out treats and pets wherever she goes. Meg volunteers with local wildlife rehabbers in her spare time and loves her three goblin mixes, Violette, Simone and Blub as well as her pet pigeons, Nolan and Steven, more than life itself. She is also certified in Reiki I and II.
(Secret Aspiration) Meg aspires to start an educational program for the opossum community to educate them on the dangers of roadway crossings and how to avoid injury. She would also like opossum crosswalks installed on all streets and highways to offer opossums safe passage to the other side.